Young Person Guide
What can I expect from my Hockey Club?
- MEMBERSHIP – you will receive information on costs, kit, rules and training/match information.
- COACHES – all of our coaches are qualified and have had the necessary checks to help you play the best hockey you can.
- VOLUNTEERS – all adults working at the club have been on training to ensure your safety and wellbeing. These include first aiders, team managers and our welfare officer.
- RESPECT – as a club, we want to engage with you as much as possible and want to hear about what you like about the club, what you don’t like, and what you think needs changing. We respect everyone’s views and want your experience to be fun and feel enjoyable whilst being safe.
- TRAINING/COMPETITIONS – there are many training sessions and competitions throughout the season for you to get involved with and play.
- SAFETY – we adopt England Hockey’s Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey Policy, Procedure and Guidance, because we believe you have the right to play in a safe and fun environment.
What do my Club expect of me?
- BEHAVIOUR – we will give clear messages on how we expect everyone to behave, this may be in the form of a Code of Conduct.
- RULES – hockey has rules and so does our club. These are in place to keep you safe.
What to do if I am worried or have a concern?
Don’t keep it to yourself!
There are a number of people you can speak to if you are worried about or experience bullying or any uncomfortable situation.
Your WELFARE OFFICER (or someone else you feel comfortable telling) will believe you and know what to do and how to help. They may have to share the information you tell them, but it will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.
How do I contact someone?
The club Welfare Officer is Sue Minto (pictured right).
She can be contacted as follows:
by telephone on 07307 195560
by email on [email protected]
Alternative Sources of Help, Advice and Support
Free helpline for young people – 0800 1111
Advice for all types of bullying – 080 800 2222
Guide on internet safety and safe surfing