Brummitt 2019
The Brummitt tournament for 2019 was held over the weekend of Saturday 13th April and Sunday 14th April 2019.
Congratulations to Camp Retro for their 4th successive Brummitt victory, and also their opposition GPO who last reached the final in 2008.
Congratulations also to Plate winners BDHC Squad Goals, and their opposition first timers Rutland Horseshoes.
The Jack Rouse Cup winners for fair play, were Blue Green Zeds.
The weekend would not be possible if it were not for all the help we get to put it together in the first place and over the two days. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped out in one way or another. We raised just short of £300 on the raffle, which is amazing so a big thank you to everyone who bought tickets and/or donated prizes, a donation will be made to Sue Ryder our chosen charity this year.
Along with the usual ‘thank you’ to all the umpires, ground staff, catering, bar staff, photographer, time keepers, office staff and anyone else I have forgotten, I would just like to personally thank Nadine Jones and the Maryniak family for the very impressive £738 raised from their baking and your eating of the delicious homemade cakes provided over the 2 days.
Finally from me an ever grateful thank you to all, look forward to seeing you all next year.
Sue McNaughton