Mixed Summer 7’s

Published by Darren Griffiths on

7 a side mixed tournament every Thursday starting on the 2nd of June. Each team must have 3 women, 3 men & GK on the pitch at one time. You must also have at least one U18 or O40s player on the pitch at all times.

You can have up to 11 players in your team each week but these can be interchangeable within a wider squad of players to provide flexibility.

There will be a £20 match fee per team per game. This is to be paid to your captain each week or in advance and then paid to Darren before your game begins.

The bar will be open each week 6:30-11pm.

Non-members please ensure you register you car on the system prior to playing.

Umpires will be provided for games where possible.

First game will start promptly at 7pm and the 2nd games of the evening at 7.50pm with a third game potentially dependant on amount of teams entered.

Please do not be late, we will start without you!

Teams that have entered and therefore we will play 2 leagues with a play-off at the end of the league! League 1 on Pitch 1 and league 2 on Pitch 2.


No abuse to umpires, they are giving up their time voluntarily, so be good sports!

Long corners to be taken from the half way line.

Short corners to be taken by a female player.

16s to be taken from edge of the D

If there is a clash of team shirts the team written second will wear bibs which will be provided to you.

Otherwise normal rules of hockey

If you are not feeling well please follow government advice and do not participate in the league until you are feeling better!

The aim is to provide a fun, safe and inclusive environment, please therefore behave in the appropriate manor considering those that are present including under 18s. Schedules will be sent once the amount of teams are known