Membership Update

Published by Darren Griffiths on

Good morning Ladies & Gents

Just to avoid confusion etc from previous posts etc

The membership payment system for Hockey this year has been changed over to our website, this is supposed to make it easier for us to manage as a section and take some ownership of our finances.

In the past once you were a member of the hockey section we then sent you to the PTSC site to sign up payment plans etc.

So with the upgrade of club buzz we can now do this in one place… So what you need to do

For those that already have a login go to your profile and update your information and including your Direct Debit details, you will then be set for purchases and membership

For those that don’t have a membership login click on the join us button on the front page and we will then email when approved.

Lastly we stated that is you continued to pay your membership through lockdown that we would extend your membership till Dec 2021, unfortunately due to the payments setups on club buzz this cant be done so what we have done is reduced your yearly membership to take into account the 2 months extension, therefore if your an adult member that has continue do pay your yearly membership is either a one off payment of £150 or 12 months of £12.50

Juniors its £100 yearly or split over 12 months

For mini Members we put on a hockey camps so therefore your membership stays the same.

For all new members and those that cancelled their payments your membership will be set at

Adults = £180Juniors = £120