New Game Management System
England Hockey GMS Management System
England Hockey GMS Management System
All club players must sign up to GMS if they are going to play in the Senior East League matches & EH Cup Comps i.e OVER 13 Years Old.
The system will start to form a player’s hockey history across all the games they play for any team or club in hockey. It’s the start of a much better digital provision in hockey nationally and locally and we need all players to be there from the start. This is also the method for team officials for matches, eg coach, manager, sports therapist, to sign up. PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP to ensure we can have teams sheets all ready for the league start.
Player Sign Up starts from Monday 6th September. More information for players will be added to the England Hockey website over the next few days for you to use to help encourage players to sign up.
The process is slightly different for players over 18 and those under 18. The process for players signing up is as follows. For most members you need to select ‘Player’ & Club City of Peterborough. Once this is through you will then be approved.
Players Over 18
1 – Go to and click ‘Register’
2 – Select ‘player’, add your details and select your club (get this right!)
3 – You’ll get a code sent so you can proceed
4 – Complete your full profile
5- Wait for approval from your club
Players under 18 must be registered by a parent
1 – Go to and ‘Register’
2 – Select ‘parent’, add your details, select your club (get this right!)
3 – You’ll get a code sent so you can proceed
4 – Complete your full profile including the details of your players
5 – Wait for approval from your club
(Note that when players are 18 full profiles can be created and transferred to player)