Training sessions for the new season

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Summer may have only just begun but it’s also time to start thinking about hockey again so please see below for training sessions for the new season:


Sunday Minis (5 to 12 years):  Continues from 9:30am to 11am

Junior Indoor Mixed at TDA:  Starts Monday 4th September from 5:45pm – 7pm

Girls not able to play senior hockey:  Continues Wednesdays at 6pm

U16 Boys:  Restarts on Thursday 3rd August at 6pm

Friday Junior Mixed (10 to 14 years):  Restarts Friday 15th September at 5:30pm – 6:30pm


As before all of the above are pay to train sessions (currently £3 outdoor & £5 indoor), of which prices will be confirmed after the first committee meeting has taken place.

New members are always welcome!


Senior training for men starts Thursday 3rd August and ladies Wednesday 2nd August.