Bowls Club open for business!
The new bowls green will be open for play in the last week of April and the City of Peterborough Bowls Club would like to officially invite all members of the Sports Club to come and try out the new sport and facilities. It is proposed that (subject to demand) regular sessions for beginners/newcomers to the sport will be held on Friday evenings starting at 6.30pm. Sunday morning sessions could also be a viable alternative or addition if there is sufficient interest. Initially all equipment will be provided although flat bottomed footwear/trainers need to be worn to protect the playing surface. The Club will provide sufficient people from the existing bowling membership to give advice and coaching. All sessions will end with a competitive game of some kind.
The new facilities have brought forward a degree of willingness to participate in bowls and certain challenges have been issued. Amongst these, 2 matches have been discussed and will be organised between the Bowls Club and the Cricket and Hockey sections on dates to be agreed early in the season.
The Bowls Club has an age profile that is older than desirable and we will be actively looking for more, hopefully younger, players to compete in our league teams. We have not entered any additional teams in the league this coming season but we would hope to do so for 2016. There has been a significant amount of interest shown already in wanting to take part in at least “sampler” sessions but now is the time to register potential players. Please note that existing full members of the Sports Club (i.e. Hockey, Cricket, Squash and Tennis players) would not have to pay an additional subscription fee to play bowls although for competitive games a modest match fee would apply in the normal way.
Anyone who is interested should give their contact details (e-mail address and telephone number) to Peter Leaton, Gareth Andrew or Colin Lake as soon as possible.
Colin Lake